Chas Rowe, Bristol & London Voiceover Artist

Chas Rowe: Voice Profile

Age Range

  • Teenage
  • Young adult
  • 20s
  • 30s

Native Accent

  • British English
  • Neutral
  • RP (received pronunciation)

Straight Read Styles

  • Youthful, bright, friendly, approachable, warm, honest, sincere, caring, helpful
  • Fresh, millennial, upbeat, urban, energetic
  • Natural, real, student, guy on the street
  • Relaxed, easy going, matey
  • Comic, quirky, cheeky, playful
  • Educated, intelligent, sophisticated, discerning
  • Urgent, authoritative, informative, corporate, educational

Young, friendly, authentic.
Fresh and funky.
Easy on the ear.
Great explanations.

These are just a few taglines to describe the kind of sound I can give your project.

I’m a young UK male voiceover artist. So my default setting is British English. Although my general playing range has been described as ‘late teens to educated early 30s’, you’ll actually find me well suited to an array of voiceover projects, including:

Radio and TV commercials
Explainer videos
Corporate videos
E-learning courses
IVR (on hold/telephony) work
Audio guides
In-store announcements
Award ceremony links
Mobile apps

Plus more besides…

I’ve worked behind a microphone for around 15 years, have been part of award-winning teams in student and commercial radio – and have written and performed some of the biggest stories of recent times as a national newsreader at Global, Europe’s largest commercial radio group.

Added to that, I’m a keen linguist and collector of UK and international accents. When I was a bit younger, I was a 5-time school German prize winner. I later went on to earn a BA honours 2:1 degree in French and German from one of Britain’s top universities.

In addition to my language skills, I’m an avid consumer of film and video techniques, advertising and marketing trends, current affairs and pop culture. I’ve backed up those interests with Master’s degrees in Multimedia Journalism and Film and Television.

I therefore offer a unique perspective when it comes to my voiceover work: academic rigour, natural linguistic ability, an ear for what sounds right, and proven communication and storytelling skills. I really enjoy the interplay of smart copy, awesome audio and stunning visuals to create something really special. And if your job is working with those things, I know you do too.

You know, I actually grew up mimicking TV advertising slogans. My mum used to say: “you’re the ad man’s dream!”. It turns out she was right!

I currently split my voiceover work between Bristol, Bath and London. So if you’ve got a project in mind, please send me a message through my contact form or drop me an email first and we can take things from there. Or if I’m in your area, perhaps we can even meet up for a nice, friendly chat.



  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Irish (North Dublin)
  • Dutch
  • Polish
  • American (standard, southern, New York)
  • Australian
  • South African

UK Regional

    • Bristolian (West Country)
    • South Wales (Valleys)
    • Scottish (west coast)
    • Scouse (Liverpool)
    • North East England (Sunderland)


Silicon South

Silicon South Supporter Badge

Bristol Creative Industries

Bristol Creative Industries Member - Chas Rowe - young UK male voice-over artist


Richcraft Voiceover Coaching

Have a project in mind?
